Monday, February 8, 2010

Lacy Clay's Campaign Contributors

As I reported several months ago, Lacy Clay has made some interesting friends. Specifically, Lacy has gotten into bed with the Rent-to-Own (RTO) and Payday Loan (PL) businesses. I reported on the campaign contributions as well as various "donations" to Lacy's personal interests.

Backtrack even further and you may remember my mentioning my belief that we should target those companies and individuals that contribute to these far left candidates.

So, I have begun tying some of these things together and have made some rather interesting finds I thought I would share with you all. I went through the most recent FEC Campaign Contributions and found that Lacy has received at least $13,000 in campaign contributions from RTO and PL political action committees. I know that does not seem like that much, but if you look even closer at the personal individual contributions, you will find that Lacy received nearly $20,000 from those individuals involved with the RTO and the PL businesses.

The 20K that Lacy received is a very conservative estimate. To calculate these donations I went through every person who donated $250 or more dollars to his 2010 re-election campaign. It is required that they list their employer/occupation. I traced that information and counted only those companies that are specifically listed as working in the RTO or PL areas. There is considerably more money that has been donated to his campaign from various financial establishments who offer various financial services. If these companies did not come right out and say they offered payday loans or check cashing services, I did not count them.

I tried to be as fair to Lacy as possible. I did not concoct any of this data. It is easily available through the FEC website. If you do not believe me, check the data yourself. Click HERE and you can review the data yourself.
So, is Lacy really looking out for you?

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