Tuesday, February 23, 2010

2/23 - Candidate Filing Day In MO

I just thought I would just share this. As of this evening, here is what the primary election cycle looks like for St. Louis. This information comes from the Missouri Secretary of State website.

It looks like the two St. Louis Democrats in the House are both up against some competition from both Republicans and Democrats.
I know that it does not mean anything as they have until March 30th, but I thought it was interesting that Lacy Clay has yet to file his candidacy.
This is going to be a very interesting election cycle. I wonder if the Democratic National Committee will give up on ole Russ to keep Clay in office.
As a side note, I want to welcome Robyn Hamlin, Robb Cunningham and Julie Stone to this years election for the first district. Let it be known that I would welcome and they have an open invitation to, an interview with me on this website. The same goes for Congressman Clay, although I think he will stay in the friendly confines of people like Charles Jaco and such.

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