Sunday, September 5, 2010

Skip Starbucks Week

In the theme of helping those candidates out, I am starting Skip Starbucks Week. I have nothing against Starbucks. In fact, I love Starbucks coffee. This week, though, I want everyone to skip out on their Starbucks fix and use the money saved to help a candidate of their choice.

I have posted the following on my Facebook status:
This week is skip Starbucks this week. Take the $25.00 and donate to the candidate of your choice. There are a lot of good campaigns that can use the funds.
Did you know that 5 day's worth of Starbucks coffee can buy a campaign about 625 flyers, 3 - 4 campaign shirts, 2 yard signs or 59 bumper stickers.
If you like this post, copy it and make it your own!

So whether it is via Facebook, Twitter or word of mouth, pass the word on and get everyone to skip their Starbucks, QT soda/coffee, morning donut, whatever and donate that money to the candidate of their choice.

With this being a short week for most people, it should make it that much easier. You already have a jump start with no work on Monday.

Pass the word on.

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